counselling Services

Consultation Call


I offer a free 15 minute phone call in which we can briefly discuss your needs and how I may be able to help. Consultation calls are a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have prior to counselling and are useful for us to see if we would be a good fit to work together.

Consultations can be booked online through the link below, or via email.

15 mins | Free

Individual Counselling


Individual counselling sessions support you to process and explore your thoughts and feelings. I offer a full 60 minutes to allow us adequate time to go where you need to go in our work together. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly to facilitate lasting change.

In-person counselling sessions are based out of North Vancouver. Counselling sessions may also be conducted online via Zoom.

60 mins | $195 + GST


“Courage is not the absence of despair;
it is, rather, the capacity to move ahead in spite of despair.”

— Rollo May


  • What happens in a consultation call?

    A consultation call gives you a sense of who I am and lets me learn more about what you’re looking for from your counselling experience. I will ask for a general sense of what you are hoping to gain from your counselling experience, and give you time to ask any questions that you might have.

  • how many sessions will I need?

    This varies for each individual. Like anything worthwhile, counselling can take some work and a bit of patience. But it doesn’t have to be a long process in order to be effective, and we can work on your needs whether short-term or long-term.

  • How frequent will my sessions be?

    This is unique to each person and we can discuss this in the first session. While I believe that having regularity in counselling sessions is therapeutically valuable, the frequency of sessions is variable depending on your needs and can change throughout the course of therapy.

  • What payment do you accept?

    I accept payment by Interact e-transfer or CreditCard. Payments are due the same day as the scheduled appointment.

    Many Extended Health Benefit plans cover counselling received from a RCC. Contact your insurance provider directly if you need confirmation of coverage.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so 48 hours prior to your session, otherwise you may be charged for the session. This is in place to respect my time as well as the needs of those individuals who could make use of your appointment time.

  • Do you offer phone/online counselling?

    Yes, I offer sessions by Zoom or phone for those who need it.

    Try to access a quiet and private space for our sessions, and if that is not possible, let me know of any privacy concerns that I should be aware of at the beginning of our session.